I’d found this Krampus Hat pattern online, during a random search for something else. I saved it for later use, because I never know when something is going to come up or I’d be asked if I knew of it (or something like it). I’d posted the same link to my Facebook page, because, let’s face it… it’s a damn spiffy hat pattern. One of my FB friends had asked if I ever decided to take a crack at making it, they’d like to have it. *nods* Ok. I didn’t know when I’d get the time to play, but I’d keep it in the back of my head.

One of my local yarn sources was having a sweet yarn sale, and I found I had a bit of “free” time in my production schedule. Just because it was almost a year since I’d first posted about the hat, that didn’t seem to bother my friend, she still wanted it. Thus, began my adventure with the pattern.

My friend had one basic request for her version, make sure the horns spin in opposite directions, so they follow the more natural way horns actually grow. *nods* I can do that. But before I could start on the detail work, I needed to get the base of the hat made. It’d be a LOT of loops created while making the ‘netting’ foundation.

Getting started

After a few more rounds, I started to get a good feel for how to make the loops. When I stopped for the night, it had the look of a trivet or hot pad.

Stopping point for the night

This is how thick all of those crocheted loops ended up being

It wasn’t too long before I began the shaping. Thank goodness for being able to marathon tv shows with a streaming service. It made the time pass quickly while I crocheted.

Beginning shaping

Getting ready for the ear flaps. Once the ear flaps were done, it was just a matter of making and adding details.

Ready for the ear flaps

Once the ear flaps were on, I made it a point to take front, sides, and back views. It sort of looks like a barrister’s wig. Amusing, but a fair comparison. What I wasn’t really expecting was the weight of the hat at this point. I hadn’t related how much yarn I was using to weight until I’d gotten to this part.

Front view

Left side

Right side

Back view

It was time to make the horns and ears.


Before and after detailing

Ears ready to add to the base cap

Soon, I was ready to start the assembly. I use small (4 inch) double point knitting needles as my placement “pins”. It may seem odd/silly, but it works. And it works well. It was at this point I asked my friend if she wanted any of the pits and pieces moved around for her tastes.

Placement options

It wasn’t too much longer before the detail work would begin. This is one of my favorite photos of the detailing… it shows just how much work went into the creating of this hat.

“artistic photo” of details 😉

I purposely left the “hair” and “braids” longer. This way, my friend could adjust as she wanted. Once the cap was done to my satisfaction, I sat back and really looked at what I’d created. I think the hat stayed in that spot for a couple of days, just because I was so tickled with how it turned out.





It was time to send it off to the new owner. (Who was waiting, ever so patiently, for it to arrive.) My friend was wonderful about making sure I had photos of her with her new hat.